If you are downloading a movie, TV show, music, book or game that you did not pay for, more than likely it is an illegal download. Since we are an Internet provider, we occasionally get notified by a copyright owner that one of our customers has obtained an illegal copy of copyrighted material, such as a movie.
Please note, our Acceptable Use Policy explicitly prohibits illegal activity such as this. When we are notified that copyright infringement has occurred on your account, it is our policy to suspend your Internet service and attempt to contact you immediately. Once the file(s) has been deleted, your service will be reactivated. If within a 12-month period we receive a 2nd notification, this process will be repeated and you will be charged a $20 fee. Upon the 3rd and each successive notification, the fee will be $50 per notification, regardless of how long it has been since your last offense.
Copyright owners take alleged infringements seriously. In addition to fees assessed by our company, the copyright owner could subpoena your name and address, as well as proof that you were the customer sending or receiving protected material. If illegal copies of materials are suspected to reside on your computer, the copyright owner could obtain a search warrant to have the computer seized.
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